Ruem Flax Hair Studio
"In my business, it's all about the people. If you have the right team, you are onto a winner. That's why I love working with Jane Evans from Evans Doyle. I know I can trust her with my business. She knows my business inside out, so she understands where I'm coming from, but at the same time always gives me an objective, unbiased view." Ruem Flax Hair Studio Owner, Michelle Follas.
Michelle owns and runs busy Cambridge "Ruem Flax Hair Studio". When it comes to the hair industry, Michelle knows what she is talking about - she first managed a salon when she was 19, and has since been involved in all areas of the industry, nationally and internationally, including training salon owners all around the North Island, and setting up and managing salons. Michelle's accountant is Jane Evans, principal at AgBiz Accountants, and an important part of Michelle's business. The business has evolved over the years, starting out as a home-based salon then moving into commercial premises 13 years ago. It has grown to the successful, vibrant business it is today and is now at a size and structure that works well for Michelle. Michelle says, "I'm like lots of business owners. I love what I do, and I love having my own business." She admits she would far rather be cutting hair, than sorting out GST or the annual accounts. "I can be far more productive, focusing on what I do best, and leaving the accounting side to Jane." Jane and Michelle have worked together for eight years. Jane is not only Michelle's accountant; she is also a client of Michelle's. The trusted bond that is the hallmark of a good hairdresser-client relationship works both ways for Michelle and Jane. Michelle says, "Jane trusts me with her hair, and I trust her with my business. I want the best for my business, and that includes getting the best accounting and business advice." Jane is Michelle's sounding board. Michelle says, "If I want to make changes in the business, I talk with Jane and know I am getting sound advice. I can talk with Jane about anything in my business, and quite often a hair appointment includes a question about the accounts, or can even turn into a business planning session!" Jane says, "I enjoy working with Michelle. Her vision statement is 'We take service and styling to the extreme' and you can see that she lives and breathes that vision. We work well as a team."