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Make it easier with Xero Payroll!

Over June we set-up a number of clients on Xero Payroll. Below we have shared how Xero Payroll can benefit your business and take the hassle out of your payroll.

Compliance with NZ Payroll legislation
PAYE, ACC, KiwiSaver and student loan calculations are automatically looked after for you and with the ever-increasing complexity of NZ Payroll legislation, it’s imperative to ensure compliance.  Xero Payroll can assist with this hassle.

Integration with the IRD
All the reports required by Inland Revenue are created and pre-populated ready for easy online upload

Employee Self Service
Automatic payslips, submission of timesheets and application of leave can be made by your employees

Efficiency gains & Integrated Financial Centre
Work from anywhere, cloud based means all you need is internet access
Seamless integration with Xero ensures the payroll transactions are posted directly to your accounts.
Real time reporting including accurate leave tracking and leave liability balances.

To use Xero Payroll, you must have a subscription to the business edition of Xero ($55/mo).
The cost is then $10 per month to pay one person, then $1/mo for each additional person.

If you already have a Xero business subscription we recommend Xero Payroll.
If you are not using Xero, using a Xero cashbook, or different payroll system, call us today for a no obligation review. In most situations, we are finding large administration efficiency savings by transitioning to the one integrated central hub that Xero offers.

Month of July – We are offering a free no obligation payroll review. Let’s have a chat about how you’re preparing your payroll at the moment and make sure it’s working for you.

If you have any questions, please let us know by commenting below or give us a call today on 07 8234980 

This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.